Vijana pambana na UKIMWI Magagura

A youth group formed to fight HIV in the Magagura ward, has its starting point in the village of Ngahokora. On this day we were discussing their progress so far and the brochure and constitution I am assisting them creating.

all pictures taken by Jean Jacque Baudorre



 Henrik and VIPUMA members Epmack Mapunda, Agapit Kinunda, Valeliana Mapunda and Maksun Mapunda






 John Wihala, Henrik and VIPUMA members Epmack Mapunda, Agapit Kinunda, Valeliana Mapunda and Maksun Mapunda




 Henrik and Maksun Mapunda





Dennis Mhagama, head of the village clinic





 Henrik and Epmack Mapunda





John Wihala preparing his contribution to the meeting



Click the VIPUMA emblem to see the web version of the VIPUMA brochure




All pictures on this page taken by